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TikTok creator Isaiah Garza helped a WWII veteran realize life is worth living again after surprisin

This is the story of a social media star who befriended a local world war two veteran and showed him the time of his life at Disneyland. William Goode said he thought his life at 97 years old was over. He said he lost the will to go on after outliving his wife and three children.

Garza surprised Goode with a trip to Disneyland. Goode says the last time he went was with his family 50 years ago.

"I put up an ad on craigslist looking for a senior citizen for a four hours fun video project but it was like a fake ad. And when his caregiver called me, I was like, 'Look I'm going, to be honest with you, the ad is not real,'" Garza said.

The ad wasn't real in what it was advertising, but the intention from Garza was real. He wanted to find a senior citizen to surprise.

"This guy is the best. Nobody has ever wanted to take me to Disneyland or take me out, nobody would do that," Goode said. "I said look Mr. Goode, your life is going to change forever after this. And then I posted that Disneyland video and probably all together got 150 million views," Garza said. Garza also surprised Goode with a trip to see his favorite football team, the Rams. He also introduced him to one of the star players.

"When he came over personally to shake my hand, oh boy. I'll never forget that," Goode said.

Garza said that his mission to help others was sparked by his own personal struggles of experiencing homelessness.

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